Member Benefits

Your membership at Balance RVA comes with so many benefits, and there are even more! Take a look at some of the perks of being a member below.


ONE FREE MONTH of membership in BioHack room OR for a New Patient Chiropractic Exam OR New Patient Functional Medicine Evaluation ($47 Value)

$500 Referral Fee

Do you know someone late on their mortgage, in need of forbearance, or just desperate to sell?  Refer them to We Buy VA and if we purchase their home, we will pay you a $500 referral fee!

REDUCED Massage Rates for BRVA Members

These prices are available to BRVA Members ONLY: 60 minute massage - $70 75 minute massage - $85 90 minute massage - $100  

15% off Skincare Services

15% Off Services for Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Services for BRVA Members

10% or $500 Off - How to Become a Millionaire in Real Estate

Have you ever wondered how to make money in real estate? Or wanted to purchase an investment property but don't know how to start? BRVA members can receive 10% off group coaching or $500 off private coaching from Richmond's top real estate investors.

Note: Not all benefits are available to all memberships, and all benefits are subject to availability.